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The following archived messages may be searched from the mahjong newsgroup ( with the following text strings: "Millington's 3 types of kong".

[Below is a reproduction of messages posted in the mahjong newsgroup ( -
Initial message: 2006-10-26 / Collection date: 2007-01-01 / Archive file: maiarchives205i]

1    From: Julian Bradfield - view profile
Date: Thurs, Oct 26 2006 6:43 am

Email: Julian Bradfield <>
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Having finally got hold of the The Queen's Club Rules for Mah-Jong, I
think we have the source of Millington's 3-way distinction of
concealed, claimed and annexed kongs, which I previously thought was
original to him.

In the Queen's Club rules, the terminology is:

"pung" = exposed pung
"small kong" = concealed pung
"(exposed/concealed) great kong" = (exposed/concealed) kong

So far, so normal, modulo terminology.

However, the QCR version of the usual double for three concealed pungs
is expressed thus:

...Which contain three "Kongs", whether "Small" or "Great", but any
such "Great Kong" must in the first place have been a "Small Kong"
in the player's hand.

That is, your concealed pungs may include a concealed kong or a
claimed kong, but *not* an annexed kong, as per Millington.

But there's an oddity: the doubles for all-concealed and the limit for
Buried Treasure do *not* apply if there's a concealed kong!

Very strange.

==============================END OF MESSAGE=====
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