Index - Links to various articles
• 2010-11-26. Topic 205n. "End of Debate Message" (2009-01-08))
• 2007-02-12. Topic 205d(3). Newsgroup archives ("Evolution of Various Forms of Mahjong (1890-2001)")
• 2007-01-05. Topic 205d(2). Newsgroup archives ("Analysis of rules - A game of the year 1903 (Part 2)")
• 2006-12-08. Topic 205d. Newsgroup archives ("Analysis of rules - A game of the year 1903")
• 2006-11-30. Topic 205k. Newsgroup archives ('Earliest Chinese reference to "ma que"')
• 2006-11-15. Topic 205j. Newsgroup archives ("A Millington critique(fairly long)")
• 2006-10-26. Topic 205i. Newsgroup archives ("Millington's 3 types of kong")
• 2004-10-08. Topic 205h. Newsgroup archives ('Notes on Tam Wing Kwong, "The Game of Sparrow as played in China"')
• 2004-08. Topic 205b. "Definition of mahjong"
• 2004-01-28. Topic 205a. "History of MAHJONG - The January 2004 Follow-up" (including newsgroup archives from 2004-01-06)
• 2002-04-07. Topic 205 (Original). Cofa's web page of the topic "History of MAHJONG - HKOS and Chinese Classical"
• 2001-11-06. Topic 205g. Newsgroup archives ("The Ongoing Debate (long)")
• 2001-10-02. Topic 205f. Newsgroup archives ("Nine tiles warning")
• 2000-12-19. Topic 205e. Newsgroup archives ("History (was: Great Mah Jongg Sets And Acesories)")
• 2000-12-08. Topic 205c. Newsgroup archives ("Why does kong have precedence over chow")