International Mahjong® Rules
(Version v0702-2012-03-28    版号 v0702-2012-03-28)

4.   The mahjong pais used to play with in International Mahjong consist of a total of 144 pieces, which are divided into several groups as specified below. In addition, the symbols, colours, titles and code names of the pais are uniquely specified as per details set out in Schedule One of These Rules.    国际麻将使用的麻将牌共有144张,按照以下规范分成不同组别。另外,每张牌的图形,颜色,名称和代号都有特定规范,其细节则详载于本规则的"附件一"内。
4.1.   Group One: The Serials, consisting of three suits called the Tans, the Soks and the Wans. Each of these suits contains pais titled 1 through 9 with four identical pieces per title, thus making a total of 36 pieces of each suit, and 108 pieces of the whole group:    第一组:序数牌,含三种花色分别称为筒子,索子和万子,每一花色均包含名称为1至9的牌各4张,故每一花色共有36张,全组共有108张:
(1)   The Tans: Titled 1 Tan, 2 Tan, through 9 Tan;    筒子:名称分别为1筒,2筒,至9筒;
(2)   The Soks: Titled 1 Sok, 2 Sok, through 9 Sok; and    索子:名称分别为1索,2索,至9索;及
(3)   The Wans: Titled 1 Wan, 2 Wan, through 9 Wan.    万子:名称分别为1万,2万,至9万。
4.2.   Group Two: The Honours, consisting of two suits in a total of 28 pieces, as follows:    第二组:番子,由下列二种花色共28张组成:
(1)   The Dragons: Titled White Dragon, Green Dragon and Red Dragon, each having four identical pieces, making a total of 12 pieces;    三元牌:含白,发,中各4张,共12张;
(2)   The Winds: Titled East, South, West and North, each having four identical pieces, making a total of 16 pieces. For the purposes of These Rules where pais of the Winds are to be identified in sequence, East, South, West and North shall each be assigned the sequential number of 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively.    风牌:含东,南,西,北各4张,共16张。在本规则其它条文中,当风牌须以序数表示时,东,南,西,北各牌得分别以1,2,3,及4编配。
4.3.   Group Three: The Flowers, consisting of two sets, each being titled 1 through 4 with one piece per title, thus making a total of 8 pieces:    第三组:花牌,包括两种花色,每种花色由名称为1至4的牌各1张组成,故花牌总数为8张:
(1)   Blue Flowers: Titled Blue 1, Blue 2, Blue 3 and Blue 4; and    蓝花:名称分别为蓝1,蓝2,蓝3及蓝4;及
(2)   Red Flowers: Titled Red 1, Red 2, Red 3 and Red 4.    红花:名称分别为红1,红2,红3及红4。
5.   Each of the following terms shall have its specific meaning if used in International Mahjong:    以下词组在国际麻将中使用时均有其特定的意义:
5.1.   EVENT: An event is an occasion or the whole period of playing in which no change of players has occurred.    牌局:牌局是指一个完整的游戏过程而其间参与游戏的人并无改变。
5.2.   WINNING HAND: A winning hand is a hand of pais having met the requirements of a winning hand as per art. 19.    胡牌:胡牌是指已经按照第19条规定达到符合成为胡牌的要求的一手牌。
5.3.   SCORE AND SCORING CHART: Scores are used to settle the loss or gain payable or receivable between players. Scores are represented in units of MAHJONG DOLLAR, or in its short form: MADO. The Standard Scoring Chart in art. 30.1 is the standard scoring system adopted in International Mahjong.    绩分和绩分表:绩分是用以结算各人之间须要支付或收取的输分或赢分。绩分的标准数量单位是麻将元,或简称马吊。第30.1条所列的"标准绩分表"是国际麻将采用的标准绩分结算系统。
5.4.   GAME: A game is a complete process of a short playing period that must be ended in a result involving the paying and receiving of scores.    盘:一盘游戏是指一段短暂的游戏过程而其完结必须涉及绩分的付出和收受。
5.5.   JONGA: A jonga of a game is the player who is assigned the right and duty to be the first to obtain pais and the first to discard a pai in the game.    庄家:一盘游戏的庄家是指在该盘游戏中拥有第一名取牌和第一名出牌的权利和责任的人。
5.6.   ROUND: A round is a completion of several games in which all players have tried and retired to be a jonga.    圈:一圈是指一定盘数的游戏的完满结束而其中所有人都已尝试和完成作为庄家的职务。
5.7.   FOUR ROUNDS: The term "four rounds", or its multiple, is used to represent a period of a complete playing process.    四圈:四圈,或其倍数,是用以表示一段完整的游戏时段。
5.8.   STARTER: The starter of a four-round period is the jonga of the first game of the period.    起庄:每四圈游戏时段的起庄是指该时段中第一盘游戏的庄家。
5.9.   With reference to the sitting position of each and every player, the player on his right is called his NEXTA, on his opposite side his OPPOSA, and on his left his LEFTA.    任何人以其自身所处位置作为参考点,坐在其右边的人是其"下家",坐在其正对面的人是其"对家",坐在其左边的人是其"上家"。
5.10.   PAIR: A pair of pais is defined as a set of two identical pais of any kind, unless specified otherwise.    对子:除另有注明之外,一对子是指两张相同的牌。
5.11.   EYES: Eyes are defined as a set of two identical pais of any kind in a winning hand that are independent of other combination of pais in the hand. In These Rules when "a set of eyes" is quoted it shall always mean "a pair of eyes".    眼:眼是指在胡牌中特定的,独立于其它牌子的两张相同的牌的组合。在本规则中,"一组眼"就是"一对眼"的意思。
5.12.   CHOW: A chow is defined as a set of three consecutive pais of the Serials of the same kind. (Verb: to chow; chowed.)    顺子:是指三张相连属于同一花色的序数牌的组合。(用于动词时:上牌。)
5.13.   PUNG: A pung is defined as a set of three identical pais of any kind. (Verb: to pung; punged.)    刻子:是指三张相同的任一花色的牌子的组合。(用于动词时:碰牌。)
5.14.   KONG: A kong is defined as a set of four identical pais of any kind. (Verb: to kong; konged.)    杠:是指四张相同的任一花色的牌子的组合。(用于动词时:开杠。)
5.15.   A HAND of a player is defined as all pais in the possession of the player, including pais disclosed but kept in his display line and pais that are concealed, as well as pai obtainable in his turn of move. The portion of pais that are concealed is called the CONCEALED HAND of the player.    一人的"手牌"是指该人拥有的所有牌子,包括已显露并摆放在自己前面的牌,在手内未有显露的牌和按照行牌顺序而可以获取的牌在内。在手内未有显露的牌得称为该人的"暗牌"。
5.16.   Where applicable and only if agreed upon between the players at the beginning of an event, the AGREED LOWEST RANK is the lowest rank (grade value) a hand must achieve before it can be qualified as a winning hand and the AGREED HIGHEST RANK is the highest rank based on which a winning hand is allowed to claim for scores. [Explanatory note: Such an agreement is not mandatory. Please refer to art. 7 for details.]    若适用时,一牌局中的"协定的最低番数"是指一手牌在符合胡牌条件之前必须达到的最低的番数(番值),而"协定的最高番数"是指一手胡牌所能申报获取绩分的最高的番数。以上各项只在各人在牌局开始时预先协议订定之后有效。[解释性说明:该项协议不是必定需要的。详情请参阅第7条。]
5.17.   TERMINAL(s): Pais of the Serials that are titled "1" and "9" collectively.    纯幺九:是指所有序数牌中名称为1和9的牌的统称。
5.18.   UNIO(s): Pais of the Serials that are titled "1" and "9" and of all of the Honours collectively.    幺九:是指所有序数牌中名称为1和9的牌及所有番子的统称。
5.19.   SELFMAKE: Win upon drawing by oneself. (e.g. He has selfmade. Verb: to selfmake; selfmade.)    自摸:自己抓牌之后随即完成胡牌称为自摸。
5.20.   CHUCKER: One who has exposed a pai for other player to win in a game is called a "chucker". (e.g. Player A has won on a chucker / Player B has chucked, i.e., "B" has discarded/exposed a pai for "A" to win the game.) (Verb: to chuck; chucked.)    炮手:打出或显露一张牌之后而另一人随即以该打出或显露的牌成胡牌,则该打牌或露牌的人称为炮手。(用于动词时:出铳。)
5.21.   TOO MANY: A situation of a player in which his hand has more than the exact number of pais required if he were to win under art. 19.1.    大相公:当一人手上的牌的数目比若按照第19.1条完成胡牌时应有的数目为多时,则称为大相公。
5.22.   TOO FEW: A situation of a player in which his hand has less than the exact number of pais required if he were to win under art. 19.1.    小相公:当一人手上的牌的数目比若按照第19.1条完成胡牌时应有的数目为少时,则称为小相公。
6.   Following items are accessories used in International Mahjong. The structural specifications of these items may vary but each item shall have its function as specified below:-    下列物件是进行国际麻将游戏时使用的物件。这些物件的个别设计规格或有不同,但其个别功能应和以下所列的相符:
6.1.   START INDICATOR 1 piece, which is used to indicate the starter of a four-round period. Preferably the Standard Scoring Chart is printed on it.    起庄指示器1只,用以标示每四圈游戏时段的起庄的位置。起庄指示器最好能同时印上标准绩分表。
6.2.   JONG INDICATOR 1 piece, which is used to indicate the jonga of the current game. The jong indicator shall also display the Round Number in which the current game is in progress.    庄家指示器1只,用以标示目前一盘游戏的庄家的位置。庄家指示器应能同时显示当时游戏的圈数。
6.3.   DICE 3 pieces, which are used when it is needed to determine how the pais are to be drawn before starting of a four-round period and at the beginning of each game.    骰子3只,是在需要时透过掷骰以确定在每四圈游戏时段或每一盘的开始时各人取牌的安排。
6.4.   CHIPS are optional tool used to represent the value of scores.    筹码是一项可以随意选用的工具,用以表示绩分的数值。
6.5.   GAME TABLE 1 piece. Game table is used when the game is played with mahjong tiles. If the game is played with mahjong cards, the use of game table is optional.    牌桌1只。牌桌适用于以砖块麻将牌进行的游戏。若游戏以卡片麻将牌进行时,牌桌的使用则可随意。